Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy for the Patient with Dizziness and Balance Disorders: Exercise Protocols (Second Edition) by Marian Girardi, Ph.D.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy for the Patient with Dizziness and Balance Disorders: Exercise Protocols (Second Edition) by Marian Girardi, Ph.D.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy for the Patient with Dizziness and Balance Disorders: Exercise Protocols (Second Edition)

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy for the Patient with Dizziness and Balance Disorders: Exercise Protocols (Second Edition) by Marian Girardi, Ph.D. PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad


Balance disorders and dizziness are among the most common reasons for falls to occur in our aging population. It is estimated that almost 85% of these falls involve the vestibular system. However, with correct assessment and proper treatment (Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy), first falls and repeat falls can be prevented for balance-disordered people.

Dr. Marian Girardi has studied and compiled important data to assess and treat vestibular disfunctions. She has documented and grouped this valuable information into an easy-to-understand format to include:

Anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system.
Identifying the patient with vestibular problems.
Assessment tools for vestibular diagnosis.
Risk and safety factors for falls.
Treatment using VRT (Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy).
VRT exercises for vision, head and eye movements to improve and maintain long-term balance and gait.
22 reproducible patient handouts for easy duplication.

A valuable resource book for healthcare students, therapists, and professionals.

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Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy for the Patient with Dizziness and Balance Disorders: Exercise Protocols (Second Edition) by Marian Girardi, Ph.D. Doc

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy for the Patient with Dizziness and Balance Disorders: Exercise Protocols (Second Edition) by Marian Girardi, Ph.D. Mobipocket
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy for the Patient with Dizziness and Balance Disorders: Exercise Protocols (Second Edition) by Marian Girardi, Ph.D. EPub

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