Rabu, 24 September 2014

PDF⋙ Visual Marketing: From Attention to Action (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series)

Visual Marketing: From Attention to Action (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series)

Visual Marketing: From Attention to Action (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series)

Visual Marketing: From Attention to Action (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This comprehensive volume aims to further research and theory development in visual marketing. By bringing together leading researchers in the field, it strives to contribute to the establishment of visual marketing as a coherent discipline. The chapters represent an array of issues in visual marketing. They address three areas in theory: attention and perception, visual cognition and action and choice. The chapters go beyond what is known, and offer in many cases a more speculative and visionary account of the directions that visual marketing research could and should take.

Rather than being confined to advertising only, this new volume shows how visual marketing permeates almost all consumer and marketing activities. It will be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students in marketing, management, industrial design, and consumer and social psychology. Professional practitioners, especially those involved with marketing communications, retail, and in store marketing and market research, will also benefit from the empirically based and innovative ideas put forth in this book.

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Visual Marketing: From Attention to Action (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) Doc

Visual Marketing: From Attention to Action (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) Mobipocket
Visual Marketing: From Attention to Action (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series) EPub

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