Minggu, 02 November 2014

PDF⋙ NIV Thinline Bible (New International Version) by Zondervan

NIV Thinline Bible (New International Version) by Zondervan

NIV Thinline Bible (New International Version)

NIV Thinline Bible (New International Version) by Zondervan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

'The popular NIV Thinline Bible is getting a face lift! The bestselling NIV Thinline Bible is getting a new, more attractive and readable typeface and all new page design! We've also revised the list of bindings available and added an Italian Duo-Tone for both the regular and large print editions. Product features include: * New, more readable typesetting! * New larger font size! * 8-point type regular edition * 11-point type large print edition * Most read, most trusted NIV translation * Extra-thin size---both regular and large print editions measure less than one inch thick * Double-column format * NIV dictionary/concordance for quick and easy reference * 8-page full-color map section (except softcover edition) * 8-page presentation section (except softcover edition) * Words of Christ in red letter'

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