Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Nuclear Cardiology Review: A Self-Assessment Tool by Wael A. Jaber, Manuel D. Cerqueira

Nuclear Cardiology Review: A Self-Assessment Tool by Wael A. Jaber, Manuel D. Cerqueira

Nuclear Cardiology Review: A Self-Assessment Tool

Nuclear Cardiology Review: A Self-Assessment Tool by Wael A. Jaber, Manuel D. Cerqueira PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Employing a question and answer style format, Nuclear Cardiology Review prepares you for the certification exam of Nuclear Cardiology . Nuclear Cardiology Review has over 200 questions covering nuclear imaging basic sciences, maintenance of safety and quality, study interpretation and appropriately applying test results for accurately diagnosing and managing patients. Other sections include physics, artifacts, prognostic data, anomalies, and non-coronary testing. Test questions are annotated with discussion on image interpretation and technical aspects that may lead to image artifacts.


· 200 questions and answers that duplicate the breakdown of the CBNC test
· Questions on noncoronary use of SPECT
· Procedural planning questions to test your knowledge
· Prepared by respected Cleveland Clinic staff

Plus, you have access to a free companion website with questions and answers so you have access anytime, anywhere.

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Nuclear Cardiology Review: A Self-Assessment Tool by Wael A. Jaber, Manuel D. Cerqueira EPub

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