Innovative Strategies for Unlocking Difficult Children: Attention Seekers, Manipulative Students, Apathetic Students, Hostile Students by Robert P. Bowman, Kathy Cooper, Ron Miles, Tom Carr, Tommie Toner
Innovative Strategies for Unlocking Difficult Children: Attention Seekers, Manipulative Students, Apathetic Students, Hostile Students by Robert P. Bowman, Kathy Cooper, Ron Miles, Tom Carr, Tommie Toner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Some students are perceived by educators as "difficult" to manage. Working with them can be exhausting and frustrating at times. Unfortunately, because of the behavioral challenges they present to educators, these students sometimes do not receive the support and encouragement they need to succeed. This book contains collections of ready-to-use strategies and activities for unlocking the potentials of "difficult" students. Learn "best-strategies" for reaching and helping these students.This book also provides many innovative ideas for managing and surviving the "difficult classroom." Helpful insights into home issues and other underlying causes of difficult behaviors are included. (Grades K-6) (Also see Innovative Strategies… Difficult Adolescents (Grades 7-12))
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