Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Person-centred Communication: Theory and Practice by Dries Du Toit, Hanka Grobler, Rinie Schenck

Person-centred Communication: Theory and Practice by Dries Du Toit, Hanka Grobler, Rinie Schenck

Person-centred Communication: Theory and Practice

Person-centred Communication: Theory and Practice by Dries Du Toit, Hanka Grobler, Rinie Schenck PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

How can you enable people to develop themselves? How do you build a relationship of trust with a community? How do you create an environment in which clients respond positively? Facilitators from various professions will find that the second edition of Person-centred Communication continues to enhance their communication, listening, and empathic skills. It demonstrates how to live the values of the person-centred approach developed by Carl Rogers, by showing respect for clients and empowering them to take responsibility for themselves. Building on the feedback from readers of the first edition, this new edition focuses even more strongly on the self, including the self of the facilitator. The importance of self-reflection, thought-processes, values, and actions are creatively addressed. This is an indispensable guide to working with individuals, groups, and communities in a humane and respectful way.

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Person-centred Communication: Theory and Practice by Dries Du Toit, Hanka Grobler, Rinie Schenck EPub

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