Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Attack of the Customers: Why Critics Assault Brands Online and How To Avoid Becoming a Victim by Paul Gillin

Attack of the Customers: Why Critics Assault Brands Online and How To Avoid Becoming a Victim by Paul Gillin

Attack of the Customers: Why Critics Assault Brands Online and How To Avoid  Becoming a Victim

Attack of the Customers: Why Critics Assault Brands Online and How To Avoid Becoming a Victim by Paul Gillin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Customers don't suffer in silence anymore. Today they make their gripes public on the branded websites of the very businesses they attack. Online customer attacks have struck some of America?s biggest brands, and the volume and scope is growing dramatically. You no longer have the luxury of time to respond. An attack can go global in a matter of hours. Attack of the Customers shows how social media can be used to destroy as well as to build. It provides actionable strategies to prepare for and prevent disaster from striking your company. And it shows you how creative engagement can turn critics into raving fans. As this book shows with fascinating real-world examples, customers complain because they care. In these pages, you'll learn how to respond effectively and how you can grow your business in the process.

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