Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Columbus and the Ohio State University Then and Now (Then & Now Thunder Bay) by Kathy Mast Kane, Doreen Uhas Sauer

Columbus and the Ohio State University Then and Now (Then & Now Thunder Bay) by Kathy Mast Kane, Doreen Uhas Sauer

Columbus and the Ohio State University Then and Now (Then & Now Thunder Bay)

Columbus and the Ohio State University Then and Now (Then & Now Thunder Bay) by Kathy Mast Kane, Doreen Uhas Sauer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This friendly state capital on the banks of the Scioto and Olentangy rivers takes pride in its heritage and offers plenty of historic landmarks and beautifully preserved buildings to admire. Take a virtual tour of this lovely city and its history in Columbus and The Ohio State University Then and Now. Discover Columbus in all of its past and present glory via contemporary photographs paired with archival images of the same locations. Columbus is home to Ohio State, the second-largest university in the United States, and has a lively tourist trade. Mingle with the crowd at the 1955 unveiling of the Columbus statue at City Hall. This is still a favorite stop for locals and tourists who want their picture taken with the city’s namesake. Stop by the elegant Statehouse at the intersection of Broad and High. This marvel of Greek Revival architecture took more than 22 years and 7 architects to finally complete in 1861. See how the city has evolved around this landmark in photos from 1908 and today. During the 1970’s construction boom, many of the city’s old landmarks were razed. Compare an 1898 image of the lovely old Union Station (complete with a circus parade!) with

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Columbus and the Ohio State University Then and Now (Then & Now Thunder Bay) by Kathy Mast Kane, Doreen Uhas Sauer EPub

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